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Diabetic Foot

Mr. Alakbar Zeynalov, Azerbaijan
Customer Testimonial

Then my doctor, Dr. Khoshgadam Ibadova recommended that I try light therapy in combination with the rest of the medical treatment strategy.

" I am 56-years-old and I have type 2 diabetes. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Diabetic Foot with necrotic ulcer of left thumb. It was explained to me that due to the high level of glucose in my blood, it would be difficult to treat my wound. It was terrible to realize that I may lose my finger or even more, my foot.

Then my doctor, Dr. Khoshgadam Ibadova recommended that I try light therapy in combination with the rest of the medical treatment strategy. To be honest I felt very skeptical in the beginning, how just light may be helpful, however there were nothing to lose. I was really surprised when after 1 month, daily 10 minute applications of light therapy with BIOPTRON Pro 1 there was valuable and visible positive results. The necrotic ulcer of my thumb started to heal. After 3 months, a local application with BIOPTRON Pro 1 completely healed the wounds. Thanks to my doctor and BIOPTRON I could treat my finger and save my foot”.