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Whilst visiting Mt Maunganui I visited The Souvenir Shop - Testimonial photo

Whilst visiting Mt Maunganui I visited The Souvenir Shop

Mrs A.S.LockleyWhi, Wanganui, 2019
Customer Testimonial

I Picked up a brochure on the Bioptron Light off the counter...

Whilst visiting Mt Maunganui I visited The Souvenir Shop, I Picked up a brochure on the Bioptron Light off the counter spoke to Patricia Mcclintock about the treatments, suffering with degeneration of the lower spine and Arthristis and having chronic pain which has caused me to have to wear a Tens machine for the pain. I decided to try the treatments.

After the first treatment I had absolutely no pain what so ever and continued the treatments for a further 7 days with great success. I suffered pain day and night never without it for months, Now I could jump over the moon.

I also suffer with Phorisis in many parts of my body and the short 6 days of treatments have made a vast improvement on the look of that also. I would fully recommend the Bioptron light treatments to any person with any problems at all.

Yours sincerely